The Front Desk ...
Welcome to the Von Spüken Hotel ... I'm sure you'll have a hauntingly good time.
This is our front desk, complete with sign-in ledger, feather pen, shelf and bell.
We got this buffet table and valence at a Thrift store, it was perfect :)
This is a vintage-looking bell that I got on
and I got this pair of happy metal pumpkins at Ross.
Here's our shelf to hold room keys and mail.
My mom made it our of cardboard and we spray painted it brown.
I love how she made it look old.
Valence with the Von Spüken Hotel logo.
To the left of the front desk we have our elevator
which will "take" our guests to the party.
wow wow and WOW!!!!! you have done an amazing job......right down to the smallest of details!!! I LOVE the hippos head mounted on the wall (along with all the other animals) the creepy cobwebs...the elevator...GENIUS! congratulations